How to Write Code for Username and Password in Python

By Admin
April 22, 2024
2 min read

How to Write Code for Username and Password in Python

How to Write Code for Username and Password in Python

Creating a secure username and password system in Python is essential for any application that requires user authentication. In this blog article, we will guide you through the process of writing code for username and password in Python.

Step 1: Import Required Modules

import hashlib

Step 2: Get User Input

username = input('Enter your username: ')
password = input('Enter your password: ')

Step 3: Encrypt the Password

hashed_password = hashlib.sha256(password.encode()).hexdigest()

Step 4: Save the Username and Encrypted Password

# You can store this information in a database or a file
user_credentials = {'username': username, 'password': hashed_password}

By following these steps, you can create a basic username and password system in Python. Remember to always store passwords securely and use encryption techniques to protect user information.

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