How to Find WiFi Password Using CMD

By Admin
April 22, 2024
5 min read

How to Find WiFi Password Using CMD

One common scenario that many of us encounter is forgetting the WiFi password, especially when we need to connect new devices to our network. But fear not, there is a way to retrieve your WiFi password using Command Prompt (CMD) on your Windows computer.

Here's how you can find WiFi password using CMD:

  1. Open Command Prompt on your Windows computer. You can do this by searching 'cmd' in the start menu.
  2. Once CMD is open, type the following command: netsh wlan show profile name=WifiName key=clear (replace 'WifiName' with the name of your WiFi network).
  3. Hit Enter, and you will see a list of details about the WiFi network. Look for the 'Key Content' field, and next to it will be your WiFi password.

It's important to note that you will only be able to find the WiFi password for networks that you have previously connected to on your Windows computer. If you're trying to retrieve the password for a network you haven't connected to before, this method will not work.

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